Chrysanthus Obinna Chiagwah
Full Stack Web Developer

With a background in computer science from Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Nigeria, including ND and HND qualifications, and a first-class BSc in Computer Network and Security from the University of Bolton, I bring a solid foundation to my role as a website designer. Over the past 5 years, I've honed my skills in programming and web design, finding joy in coding, debugging, and problem-solving. I thrive in collaborative project planning and design environments, and I have a passion for both teaching and learning. I have developed and contributed across various software projects, including Banking, E-commerce, and Health sectors. I have also provided guidance and mentorship to Junior Developers, helping them grow in their roles and advance their skills. Outside of work, I enjoy recreational activities like bowling, computer games, badminton, and hitting the gym. Travel and tourism also hold a special place in my heart, enriching my experiences and broadening my horizons.

As an experienced web developer, I specialize in creating responsive and high-value web-based applications. My expertise includes PHP and Python for backend programming, using Laravel and Django frameworks. I leverage object-oriented programming (OOP) principles and MVC/MVT patterns to develop efficient and maintainable projects. For databases, I utilize relational database management systems such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. On the front end, I employ HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap for design. My commitment to excellence includes adhering to best coding standards and implementing top-tier web security measures, safeguarding against potential vulnerabilities and ensuring the integrity of the applications I develop.

Restaurant Website

LARAVEL | HTML | CSS | JQUERY | Stripe Payment | Google Map API

Auto Sales Website


Realtor website


Abstract Construction Company website


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